Human behaviors over the centuries have adapted to their environment and society accordingly. Today in the 21st century, life is tough, and communities expect way more from you than they expected a few hundred years ago. Naturally, you are drawn toward a few seemingly easy but destructive actions to escape the robotic life.
So, I have prepared a list of scary things destroying you emotionally and physically with time. Of course, this does not apply to everyone but is a lesson.
When I was in 9th grade, I used to write on my wooden desk. I was not cheating on my tests; I just wanted to scratch that wood. I did that, and I liked it.
Sometimes I was so busy in the act that I didn’t notice my teacher, who stood near me, observing. Also, I was good at my studies but never paid attention to my surroundings: I was always so focused on the present actions that often, my surroundings would disappear before me.
Was it a good thing or a bad thing? You must think about what this has to do with the topic.
Well, behaviour like that is terrible for your mental health and society and ends in a lack of communication.
On another note, being alone increases your stress levels, leading to drug use and other mental weaknesses.
Finally, you are away from people, making your own world in your mind and staying away from the real world. You do not have any friends or family close to you. You must know this; lack of communication destroys your present and is one of the most scary things that can happen to you.

Social Media
Where does a man of the 21st century spend most of his time if somebody asks you? What would your answer be?
Well, let me give you the answer to that. It is social media. It was made to bring people of the same interests closer and share their stories.
Now when you spend way too much time here, grooming your virtual image and showing them your superior self – It is not benefiting you in any way.
Furthermore, you are only trying to impress yourself and wasting precious time. It is a hard truth that more than 98% of humans tend to think only for themselves. Hence they are not really paying attention to you.

Watching TV was never this common as it is today. You can access it wirelessly from anywhere in the world due to the magic of the internet. Millions of channels are showing content 24/7.
From movies, news, wildlife, science, history, and literally anything you can think of is available on TV. It has become more addictive than the most potent drug in the world.
Try to avoid it for a day or two; you will understand the meaning behind this past sentence.
Also, American TV has never been this greater in its history as it is today, with a following of billions around the globe. Many followers tend to go overboard and watch complete seasons in single sittings.
So, TV, in a way, has become a scary thing that destroys your time, money, and health.
Of course, it can be an excellent activity if it is watched at a suitable time.

Probably the most potent addiction around the globe is porn. Teenagers destroy their youthful and energetic years, sitting on screen and watching explicit materials.
Also, you will be amazed that most internet bandwidth is used for adult content traffic. Then to imply those adult fantasies in real life, they tend to go overboard and participate in criminal activities. So, you must keep a firm grip and oversee your young ones’ internet time.
Finally, it is also one of the most scary things and habits you can adopt. So, read this book and do something with your life.

The human mind is complex, and its cravings vary from person to person. If you are one of those people, it may be time to adopt a healthy lifestyle. Go out with friends and communicate with other human beings. Being a human, you cannot stay away from other people. After all, it is in your nature to talk, share and live inside a community. Life is an exciting part of a long journey that has blessed you. It is much more precious than you can imagine. Don’t be alone and go to the extreme level of any action. Moderation is the best policy and ensures a healthy life.
And finally, stay away from these scary things and adopt a healthy lifestyle. Thanks for the Read!