truth about space ai spaios scam truth

The Truth about Space Ai / Spaios the Web3 Ai bot

The reality of space ai web3 crypto trading bot

I am always vigilant of such platforms which offer outrageous profits.

And I can say with certainty that more than 98% of them are scams.

They would take your money and lure you in with better referral rewards. At the start they will pay but one day suddenly the app or platform vanishes into the thin air.

About Space Ai, some good and trustworthy people recommended this to me and I started digging.

It has been around for more than 6 months and so far everything from withdrawals to transparent trading is vivid.

Still, will I recommend this to a family member or a close friend? Yes and no.

Yes, only when you are investing only a couple of hundred bucks and not more. You will recover them within a month or so. And if you grow your network via referring, you will recover your initial investment in a week or so.

Still, a word of caution, don’t invest in thousands. BECASUE IT IS STILL A PONZIE MONEY CIRCULATION SCHEME!!!

Still, it has been around for more than 6 months now and hopefully will be around for more than a year to 3 years. (I am saying this because some similar schemes were around for this long)


But as seasoned tradesmen in human history say, ‘never invest in something you don’t understand.’

So, let me help you understand how exactly Space AI works! (at least that’s how they say on their website)

Spaios, also called, is a crypto AI quantitative investment bot. Simply put, it means it does crypto trades on your behalf. Except it is a program without the hindrance of human emotions.

Naturally, it can compute a million times faster than a typical human. So, it invests your money in crypto coins using AI features and quantitative analysis. The best part is you can see which coins and from which exchanges it bought and which it sold. The same is true for trading time and profit percentage.

Typically, I observed 20 to 30 random trades per day. The information is all in the package you choose to purchase.

The profit sharing depends on the type of bot or plan you purchase.

How to invest in Spaios?

It is very simple.

  • Go to Sign up using your email ID and use Invitation Code=5132944726 (it is mine).
  • You can also download their application.
  • Connect a wallet or add funds using the provided crypto network and address.
  • Next, choose the most ideal package and amount to invest.
  • Wait for 36 hours to get your first profit.
  • Next, profits are updated every day.

Final Verdict

Typically, it takes 2 months to get back your initial investments. Space AI, or Spaios, has been around for more than 6 months. So far, it has received millions of dollars in investments from around the globe. And I believe most of these people are high earners.

The more you invest, the more you earn. Still, it is your money, spend it with care. Till next time!